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Women, Business, and the Law 2024 ( New data shows massive, wider-than expected global gender gap The World Bank Women have fewer than two-thirds the rights of men, with only 35 of 98 economies enforcing pay transparency and less than half offering childcare support, despite a potential 20% global GDP boost from equality. Women earn 77 cents to men’s $1, face unequal retirement ages in 62 economies, and are largely excluded from a $10-trillion opportunity due to a lack of gender-sensitive procurement policies Economy
DI: Mangfoldighed i det danske iværksættermiljø er en mangelvare ( DI: Mangfoldighed I det danske iværksættermiljø er en mangelvare Itwatch Only one in four entrepreneurs is female, and just 5% of investor capital goes to women, highlighting significant barriers to gender equality in Danish entrepreneurship. To foster innovation and growth, targeted efforts are needed to reverse the decline in girls’ interest in entrepreneurship and ensure a more diverse future business landscape. Entrepreneurship
41% of people employed as scientists and engineers are women – Eurostat ( 41% of people employed as scientist and engineers are women Eurostat In 2022, there were 7.3 million female scientists and engineers in the EU, making up 41% of total employment in these fields. The proportion of female scientists and engineers across EU countries varied significantly, from 53% in Denmark to just 31% in Hungary Employment
Gender bias in science ‘deprives our world of great talent’: Guterres | UN News International Day of Women and Girls in Science United Nations Women represent 33.3% of researchers globally, yet only 12% are members of national science academies, and just 22% of AI professionals are women Despite being critical to economic growth, STEM fields remain male-dominated, with women making up only 28% of engineering graduates and 40% in computer science STEM
Diversitet på dagsordenen – Lif Lif Gender Diversity Report 2023 LiF Women make up 62% of employees and 54.5% of local management in Danish life science affiliates, yet only 21.1% of board members in the largest Danish companies are women, with 50.9% having no female board members. While 91% of Danish life science companies have DEI strategies, only 40% have gender diversity targets for management in Denmark, and women account for 32.1% of board members in the health sector but just 14% in industry. Board
2022_006 Allbrightrapporten_2022.pdf ( Rekryterare väljer bort kvinnor Allbright The Allbright report shows 65% of external hires in Swedish companies go to men, with only 12% of recruiters having diversity goals for ethnicity or foreign backgrounds Despite 58% of recruiters having gender diversity goals, traditional preferences for male candidates continue to limit progress in leadership roles. Employment
OECD Economic Surveys: Denmark 2024 ( Denmark 2024 OECD, Economic Surveys In 2019, men in Denmark were more than twice as likely as women to be self-employed, with 52,000 more female entrepreneurs possible if women started businesses at the same rate as men Despite policies requiring gender targets in leadership, Denmark lags behind other Nordic countries and the OECD average in women attaining management positions. Entrepreneurship
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Kønsdiversitet i bestyrelseslokalet 2023: En undersøgelse af kønssammensætningen i danske virksomheders bestyrelser – DI ( Kønsdiversitet i bestyrelseslokalet 2023, En undersøgelse af danske virksomheders bestyrelser Dansk industri Women make up 17.5 percent of board seats in 2023, an increase of 3.6 percentage points from 2018 to 2023. In 50.9 per cent of Danish companies, only men sit in the boardroom. The share has decreased by 8.3 percentage points from 2018 to 2023 Board
Why diversity matters even more | McKinsey Diversity matters even more McKinsey Companies with top-quartile gender diversity on executive teams are now 39% more likely to financially outperform, up from 15% in 2015, showing the growing value of diversity Companies with gender-diverse boards are 27% more likely to outperform, while those in the bottom quartile for gender diversity are 17% less likely to see financial success. Board
2023_030 Force Technology – Life_science_rapport_2023.pdf ( Life science rapport 2023 FORCE Technology Recruitment is the top challenge for 51% of Danish life science companies, rising to around 70% for medium and large companies struggling to find skilled labor While recruitment ranks third for small businesses, 73% of medium-sized and 67% of large companies face significant hiring challenges, particularly in science fields crucial for the green transition. Employment 
Urgent Action for Innovation Needed to Achieve Global Goals | Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Seven Innovations Could Save 2 Million Mothers and Babies by 2030 Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation  Seven innovations, including AI-enabled portable ultrasounds and postpartum hemorrhage interventions, could save 2 million mothers and babies by 2030 Prioritizing women’s health through policy changes, investment, and support for healthcare workers is key to reducing poverty, advancing gender equality, and saving lives Women’s Health
Shattering the myth of men as hunters and women as gatherers | CNN Shattering the myth of mens as hunters and women as gatheres CNN A study of 1,400 societies reveals that women in foraging communities, historically thought to be solely gatherers, also hunted large game, using a variety of tools and techniques Ethnographic records show that in 87% of the 63 foraging societies studied, women engaged in planned, intentional hunting, challenging traditional views of strictly gendered roles. Gender Norms
The Myth of Man the Hunter: Women’s contribution to the hunt across ethnographic contexts – PubMed ( The Myth of Man the Hunter: Women’s contribution to the hunt across ethnographic contexts Anderson A, Chilczuk S, Nelson K, Ruther R, Wall-Scheffler C Research shows that in 79% of 63 foraging societies, women actively and intentionally hunt, debunking the belief that hunting is exclusively a male role Women in foraging societies use specialized tools and techniques in hunting, challenging traditional gender roles and showing their crucial role in subsistence. Gender Norms
New Research: Women More Effective Than Men In All Leadership Measures ( New Research: Women are more effective than men in all Leadership  Forbes In 2023, women lead 10% of Fortune 500 companies, and those with at least 30% women in leadership are 12x more likely to achieve top financial performance Research shows female leaders excel in creativity, connection, and authentic leadership, with structured programs and support crucial for developing their potential Leadership
Women in the healthcare industry: An update | McKinsey Women in the healthcare indus-try: An update McKinsey Women’s representation in healthcare drops to 32% at the C-suite level, with female attrition at this level more than doubling from last year Despite high entry-level representation, women face a promotion gap and lower advancement rates compared to men in healthcare Leadership
Women leaders make work better. Here’s the science behind how to promote them ( Women leaders make work better. Here’s the science behind how to promote them American Psychological association Recruitment is the top challenge for 51% of Danish life science companies, rising to around 70% for medium and large companies struggling to find skilled labor. While recruitment ranks third for small businesses, 73% of medium-sized and 67% of large companies face significant hiring challenges, particularly in science fields crucial for the green transition. Leadership
The Freemium Model: How To Create Sustainable Tech-For-Good Solutions ( The Freemium Model: How To Create Sustainable Tech-For-Good Solutions Forbes Investing in accessible maternal healthcare and digital solutions empowers women, improving their well-being during pregnancy and childbirth Collaborative partnerships and cost-effective digital tools are essential to address gender disparities and create scalable, impactful health solutions for women globally Womens Health
It’s Time For A Billion-Dollar Women’s Health Fund :: In Vivo ( It’s Time For A Billion-Dollar Women’s Health Fund In Vivo Jessica Federer calls for a billion-dollar fund to unlock the vast potential in women’s health. Federer emphasizes expanding women’s health investments beyond fertility to broader conditions like heart disease Women’s Health
Nine out of 10 people are biased against women, says ‘alarming’ UN report | Women’s rights and gender equality | The Guardian Nine out of 10 people are biased against women, says ‘alarming’ UN report The Guardian  Gender bias remains deeply entrenched, with 9 out of 10 people still holding biases against women, according to a UN report, with little progress over the past decad Despite advancements in education and skills, women face a 39% salary gap, while at the current rate, it will take 186 years to close legal protection gaps Gender Norms
Black women are at greater risk of maternal death in the UK – here’s what needs to be done ( Black women are at greater risk of maternal death in the UK – here’s what needs to be done. The Converstation  Black women in the UK are four times more likely to die during pregnancy or shortly after childbirth compared to white women, underscoring racial disparities in maternal healthcare Addressing racial biases, improving cultural competence, and involving black patients in research are essential for reducing maternal mortality and tackling epistemic injustice in the NHS Women’s Health 
A just world is an equal world – Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Closing the gender gap could boost GDP by up to 35% in countries with low female workforce participation Empowering women through entrepreneurship, education, and equal rights drives economic growth and gender equality Entrepreneurship
Link Titel  Udgiver  Statment 1 Statement 2 Key word Kvinder mangler i toppen af dansk life science Medwatch Only 11 of Denmark’s 40 largest non-listed life science companies are led by a woman, and most of these are subsidiaries of a listed foreign corporation. The statistics are disappointing, but not surprising Leadership
Få kvinder i topledelse – DI ( Få kvinder i topledelsen Dansk industri Only one in three full-time employees in the private sector are women. One in three middle managers is also female, while women make up a significantly lower proportion of top management.  . There are significant differences in the proportion of women in different industries, but women are underrepresented in management in the vast majority of industries Leadership
2022_001 Life-Science-in-Eastern-Denmark.pdf ( Øresundsinstituttet. “Life Science in Eastern Denmark  Greater Copen-hagen Life Science Analysis Initiative We are not restricted to talent-hunting only in our own geographical area, and we can offer new employees a working environment that is both truly international and has a strong purpose.  In Eastern Denmark there is 700 life science companies, with over 58000 employees. Since 2017 over 200 new conpanies have been created producing over 10000 new jobs. Employments 
Three Lessons On Using Technology To Advance Maternal Health ( Three Lessons On Using Technology To Advance Maternal Health Forbes The pandemic worsened access to basic healthcare for pregnant women, emphasizing the need for gender-sensitive solutions Strong partnerships with governments are crucial to scaling maternal health interventions tailored to diverse regional needs. Women’s Health
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2021_021 DI Analyse – CEO+VP 2021.pdf ( Flere kvinder i top-ledelse og i bestyrelser DI Analyse Women make up 34% of first-line and middle managers in companies with over 50 employees, but only 14% of CEOs in 2019 Despite a gradual increase in women at the top, barriers like parental leave and educational background hinder progress toward equal leadership representation Leadership
Finding Value in Diversity and Inclusion | Nordics Region | BCG Finding the Value in Diversity: Diversity and Inclusion Isn’t Just a Fix Boston Consulting Groupe In Nordic countries, over 80% of roles with bottom-line responsibility, like CFOs and Heads of Sales, are held by men, contributing to only 14% of CEOs being women Nordic nations have seen a stagnation in female leadership; Sweden ranks 35th globally, while Finland, Norway, and Denmark have fallen behind, ranking 51st, 68th, and 101st, respectively. Leadership
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2020_049 SexMatters_Excerpt_US.pdf ( Sex Matters: How Male-Centric Medicine Endangers Women’s Health and What We Can Do About It. Brown, Jennifer L.  Medical research predominantly focuses on male subjects, leading to misdiagnosis and inadequate treatment for women, especially in conditions like heart disease. Women are 1.5 times more likely to die in the first year after a heart attack, and often face delayed recognition and treatment for strokes due to differing symptom presentation Women’s Healht
Diversity wins: How inclusion matters ( Diversity wins: how inclusion matters McKinsey Companies in the top quartile for gender diversity on executive teams are 25% more likely to have above-average profitability than companies in the fourth quartile. Companies in the top quartile for gender diversity achieved a 36% higher return on investment (ROI) than those in the bottom quartile Economy 
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Kun hver fjerde professor er kvinde – Akademikerbladet ( Kun hver fjerde professor er kvinde Akademikerbladet Out of 2500 professors at universities, only 23 percent are women, according to new statistics. Professors
Research: Women Score Higher Than Men in Most Leadership Skills ( Research: women score higher than men in most leadership skills Havard Buisness Review Women are perceived by their managers — particularly their male managers — to be slightly more effective than men at every hierarchical level and in virtually every functional area of the organization.  According to our data, men gain just 8.5 percentile points in confidence from age 25 to their 60+ years. Women, on the other hand, gain 29 percentile points. Leadership
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Are women better investors than men? | News | Warwick Business School ( Are women better investors than men? Warwick Buisness School An analysis of 2,800 investors conducted by Neil Stewart, Professor of Behavioural Science, revealed that women tend to outperform men in investing by 1.8 percent Women also take a more long-term perspective, trading less frequently. This possibly means womenare investing more to support their financial goals Investing
How Diverse Leadership Teams Boost Innovation ( How Diverse Leadership Teams Boost Innovation Boston Consulting Groupe Companies with more diverse management teams have 19 percent points higher innovation revenues. Diverse teams are more likely to introduce new products and services, contributing to a 45% increase in innovation-related revenue. Leadership
Delivering growth through diversity in the workplace | McKinsey Delivering through Diversity McKinsey Companies in the top quartile for gender diversity on executive teams are 21% more likely to outperform on profitability and 27% more likely to create superior value through the merger and acquisition process. Leadership
Female leadership and a competency-based portrait of a leader as perceived by female students | Atlantis Press ( Female leadership and a competency-based portrait of a leader as perceived by female student Atlantis Press Women’s advantages in management competencies affect the overall leadership efficiency (Khayurullina and Khayrullina 2014 Bataeva (2014) claims that women are more psychologically prone to constantly stand up for their right for leadership. Besides, moral support of subordinates is important for female managers Leadership
Earned Brand 2018 | Edelman Brands Take a Stand Edelman’s Companies known for promoting gender diversity and inclusion at the leadership level tend to enjoy a more positive reputation and are viewed favorably by consumers, contributing to brand loyalty. 64% of consumers identify as belief-driven buyers, choosing brands based on their social or political stances. ?
Women in America: Work and Life Well-Lived ( Women in America: Work and Life Well-Lived Gallup Companies with a higher percentage of women in leadership roles experience lower turnover rates, as employees are more likely to be engaged and satisfied in a diverse and inclusive work environment. Women bring distinctive viewpoints, ideas and insights to the workplace, and diverse perspectives lead to superior performance at the business unit level. Leadership
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Is Gender Diversity Profitable? Evidence from a Global Survey | PIIE Is Gender Diversity Profitable? Evidence from a Global Survey Peterson Institute for International Economics A 10% increase in gender diversity is associated with a 1.1 percentage point increase in return on assets. For profitable firms, a move from no female leaders to 30 percent representation is associated with a 15 percent increase in the net revenue margin Leadership
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DI_Diversity-and-inclusion-revolution.pdf ( Waiter, is that inclusion in my soup? A new recipe to improve business performance Deloitte Inclsuive leaders promote and increase of 70% individual feelings of inclusion, in experience of: fairness, respect, value, and belonging. Inclusive leaders also increase team performance by up to 17%, raising the dcesion-making quality by up to 20% Leadership
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_Womens_Representation_on_Boards.pdf (
The Bottom Line: Corporate Performance and Women’s Representation on Boards  Catalyst Companies with more women on boards outperform their peers in terms of return on equity, return on sales, and return on invested capital Companies with the highest percentages of women board directors outperformed those with the least by 66% Board