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Women, Business, and the Law 2024 ( | New data shows massive, wider-than expected global gender gap | The World Bank | Women have fewer than two-thirds the rights of men, with only 35 of 98 economies enforcing pay transparency and less than half offering childcare support, despite a potential 20% global GDP boost from equality. | Women earn 77 cents to men’s $1, face unequal retirement ages in 62 economies, and are largely excluded from a $10-trillion opportunity due to a lack of gender-sensitive procurement policies | Economy |
DI: Mangfoldighed i det danske iværksættermiljø er en mangelvare ( | DI: Mangfoldighed I det danske iværksættermiljø er en mangelvare | Itwatch | Only one in four entrepreneurs is female, and just 5% of investor capital goes to women, highlighting significant barriers to gender equality in Danish entrepreneurship. | To foster innovation and growth, targeted efforts are needed to reverse the decline in girls’ interest in entrepreneurship and ensure a more diverse future business landscape. | Entrepreneurship |
41% of people employed as scientists and engineers are women – Eurostat ( | 41% of people employed as scientist and engineers are women | Eurostat | In 2022, there were 7.3 million female scientists and engineers in the EU, making up 41% of total employment in these fields. | The proportion of female scientists and engineers across EU countries varied significantly, from 53% in Denmark to just 31% in Hungary | Employment |
Gender bias in science ‘deprives our world of great talent’: Guterres | UN News | International Day of Women and Girls in Science | United Nations | Women represent 33.3% of researchers globally, yet only 12% are members of national science academies, and just 22% of AI professionals are women | Despite being critical to economic growth, STEM fields remain male-dominated, with women making up only 28% of engineering graduates and 40% in computer science | STEM |
Diversitet på dagsordenen – Lif | Lif Gender Diversity Report 2023 | LiF | Women make up 62% of employees and 54.5% of local management in Danish life science affiliates, yet only 21.1% of board members in the largest Danish companies are women, with 50.9% having no female board members. | While 91% of Danish life science companies have DEI strategies, only 40% have gender diversity targets for management in Denmark, and women account for 32.1% of board members in the health sector but just 14% in industry. | Board |
2022_006 Allbrightrapporten_2022.pdf ( | Rekryterare väljer bort kvinnor | Allbright | The Allbright report shows 65% of external hires in Swedish companies go to men, with only 12% of recruiters having diversity goals for ethnicity or foreign backgrounds | Despite 58% of recruiters having gender diversity goals, traditional preferences for male candidates continue to limit progress in leadership roles. | Employment |
OECD Economic Surveys: Denmark 2024 ( | Denmark 2024 | OECD, Economic Surveys | In 2019, men in Denmark were more than twice as likely as women to be self-employed, with 52,000 more female entrepreneurs possible if women started businesses at the same rate as men | Despite policies requiring gender targets in leadership, Denmark lags behind other Nordic countries and the OECD average in women attaining management positions. | Entrepreneurship |
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Kønsdiversitet i bestyrelseslokalet 2023: En undersøgelse af kønssammensætningen i danske virksomheders bestyrelser – DI ( | Kønsdiversitet i bestyrelseslokalet 2023, En undersøgelse af danske virksomheders bestyrelser | Dansk industri | Women make up 17.5 percent of board seats in 2023, an increase of 3.6 percentage points from 2018 to 2023. | In 50.9 per cent of Danish companies, only men sit in the boardroom. The share has decreased by 8.3 percentage points from 2018 to 2023 | Board |
Why diversity matters even more | McKinsey | Diversity matters even more | McKinsey | Companies with top-quartile gender diversity on executive teams are now 39% more likely to financially outperform, up from 15% in 2015, showing the growing value of diversity | Companies with gender-diverse boards are 27% more likely to outperform, while those in the bottom quartile for gender diversity are 17% less likely to see financial success. | Board |
2023_030 Force Technology – Life_science_rapport_2023.pdf ( | Life science rapport 2023 | FORCE Technology | Recruitment is the top challenge for 51% of Danish life science companies, rising to around 70% for medium and large companies struggling to find skilled labor | While recruitment ranks third for small businesses, 73% of medium-sized and 67% of large companies face significant hiring challenges, particularly in science fields crucial for the green transition. | Employment |
Urgent Action for Innovation Needed to Achieve Global Goals | Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation | Seven Innovations Could Save 2 Million Mothers and Babies by 2030 | Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation | Seven innovations, including AI-enabled portable ultrasounds and postpartum hemorrhage interventions, could save 2 million mothers and babies by 2030 | Prioritizing women’s health through policy changes, investment, and support for healthcare workers is key to reducing poverty, advancing gender equality, and saving lives | Women’s Health |
Shattering the myth of men as hunters and women as gatherers | CNN | Shattering the myth of mens as hunters and women as gatheres | CNN | A study of 1,400 societies reveals that women in foraging communities, historically thought to be solely gatherers, also hunted large game, using a variety of tools and techniques | Ethnographic records show that in 87% of the 63 foraging societies studied, women engaged in planned, intentional hunting, challenging traditional views of strictly gendered roles. | Gender Norms |
The Myth of Man the Hunter: Women’s contribution to the hunt across ethnographic contexts – PubMed ( | The Myth of Man the Hunter: Women’s contribution to the hunt across ethnographic contexts | Anderson A, Chilczuk S, Nelson K, Ruther R, Wall-Scheffler C | Research shows that in 79% of 63 foraging societies, women actively and intentionally hunt, debunking the belief that hunting is exclusively a male role | Women in foraging societies use specialized tools and techniques in hunting, challenging traditional gender roles and showing their crucial role in subsistence. | Gender Norms |
New Research: Women More Effective Than Men In All Leadership Measures ( | New Research: Women are more effective than men in all Leadership | Forbes | In 2023, women lead 10% of Fortune 500 companies, and those with at least 30% women in leadership are 12x more likely to achieve top financial performance | Research shows female leaders excel in creativity, connection, and authentic leadership, with structured programs and support crucial for developing their potential | Leadership |
Women in the healthcare industry: An update | McKinsey | Women in the healthcare indus-try: An update | McKinsey | Women’s representation in healthcare drops to 32% at the C-suite level, with female attrition at this level more than doubling from last year | Despite high entry-level representation, women face a promotion gap and lower advancement rates compared to men in healthcare | Leadership |
Women leaders make work better. Here’s the science behind how to promote them ( | Women leaders make work better. Here’s the science behind how to promote them | American Psychological association | Recruitment is the top challenge for 51% of Danish life science companies, rising to around 70% for medium and large companies struggling to find skilled labor. | While recruitment ranks third for small businesses, 73% of medium-sized and 67% of large companies face significant hiring challenges, particularly in science fields crucial for the green transition. | Leadership |
The Freemium Model: How To Create Sustainable Tech-For-Good Solutions ( | The Freemium Model: How To Create Sustainable Tech-For-Good Solutions | Forbes | Investing in accessible maternal healthcare and digital solutions empowers women, improving their well-being during pregnancy and childbirth | Collaborative partnerships and cost-effective digital tools are essential to address gender disparities and create scalable, impactful health solutions for women globally | Womens Health |
It’s Time For A Billion-Dollar Women’s Health Fund :: In Vivo ( | It’s Time For A Billion-Dollar Women’s Health Fund | In Vivo | Jessica Federer calls for a billion-dollar fund to unlock the vast potential in women’s health. | Federer emphasizes expanding women’s health investments beyond fertility to broader conditions like heart disease | Women’s Health |
Nine out of 10 people are biased against women, says ‘alarming’ UN report | Women’s rights and gender equality | The Guardian | Nine out of 10 people are biased against women, says ‘alarming’ UN report | The Guardian | Gender bias remains deeply entrenched, with 9 out of 10 people still holding biases against women, according to a UN report, with little progress over the past decad | Despite advancements in education and skills, women face a 39% salary gap, while at the current rate, it will take 186 years to close legal protection gaps | Gender Norms |
Black women are at greater risk of maternal death in the UK – here’s what needs to be done ( | Black women are at greater risk of maternal death in the UK – here’s what needs to be done. | The Converstation | Black women in the UK are four times more likely to die during pregnancy or shortly after childbirth compared to white women, underscoring racial disparities in maternal healthcare | Addressing racial biases, improving cultural competence, and involving black patients in research are essential for reducing maternal mortality and tackling epistemic injustice in the NHS | Women’s Health |
A just world is an equal world – | Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Closing the gender gap could boost GDP by up to 35% in countries with low female workforce participation | Empowering women through entrepreneurship, education, and equal rights drives economic growth and gender equality | Entrepreneurship |
Link | Titel | Udgiver | Statment 1 | Statement 2 | Key word | | Kvinder mangler i toppen af dansk life science | Medwatch | Only 11 of Denmark’s 40 largest non-listed life science companies are led by a woman, and most of these are subsidiaries of a listed foreign corporation. The statistics are disappointing, but not surprising | Leadership | |
Få kvinder i topledelse – DI ( | Få kvinder i topledelsen | Dansk industri | Only one in three full-time employees in the private sector are women. One in three middle managers is also female, while women make up a significantly lower proportion of top management. | . There are significant differences in the proportion of women in different industries, but women are underrepresented in management in the vast majority of industries | Leadership |
2022_001 Life-Science-in-Eastern-Denmark.pdf ( | Øresundsinstituttet. “Life Science in Eastern Denmark | Greater Copen-hagen Life Science Analysis Initiative | We are not restricted to talent-hunting only in our own geographical area, and we can offer new employees a working environment that is both truly international and has a strong purpose. | In Eastern Denmark there is 700 life science companies, with over 58000 employees. Since 2017 over 200 new conpanies have been created producing over 10000 new jobs. | Employments |
Three Lessons On Using Technology To Advance Maternal Health ( | Three Lessons On Using Technology To Advance Maternal Health | Forbes | The pandemic worsened access to basic healthcare for pregnant women, emphasizing the need for gender-sensitive solutions | Strong partnerships with governments are crucial to scaling maternal health interventions tailored to diverse regional needs. | Women’s Health |
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2021_021 DI Analyse – CEO+VP 2021.pdf ( | Flere kvinder i top-ledelse og i bestyrelser | DI Analyse | Women make up 34% of first-line and middle managers in companies with over 50 employees, but only 14% of CEOs in 2019 | Despite a gradual increase in women at the top, barriers like parental leave and educational background hinder progress toward equal leadership representation | Leadership |
Finding Value in Diversity and Inclusion | Nordics Region | BCG | Finding the Value in Diversity: Diversity and Inclusion Isn’t Just a Fix | Boston Consulting Groupe | In Nordic countries, over 80% of roles with bottom-line responsibility, like CFOs and Heads of Sales, are held by men, contributing to only 14% of CEOs being women | Nordic nations have seen a stagnation in female leadership; Sweden ranks 35th globally, while Finland, Norway, and Denmark have fallen behind, ranking 51st, 68th, and 101st, respectively. | Leadership |
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2020_049 SexMatters_Excerpt_US.pdf ( | Sex Matters: How Male-Centric Medicine Endangers Women’s Health and What We Can Do About It. | Brown, Jennifer L. | Medical research predominantly focuses on male subjects, leading to misdiagnosis and inadequate treatment for women, especially in conditions like heart disease. | Women are 1.5 times more likely to die in the first year after a heart attack, and often face delayed recognition and treatment for strokes due to differing symptom presentation | Women’s Healht |
Diversity wins: How inclusion matters ( | Diversity wins: how inclusion matters | McKinsey | Companies in the top quartile for gender diversity on executive teams are 25% more likely to have above-average profitability than companies in the fourth quartile. | Companies in the top quartile for gender diversity achieved a 36% higher return on investment (ROI) than those in the bottom quartile | Economy |
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Kun hver fjerde professor er kvinde – Akademikerbladet ( | Kun hver fjerde professor er kvinde | Akademikerbladet | Out of 2500 professors at universities, only 23 percent are women, according to new statistics. | Professors | |
Research: Women Score Higher Than Men in Most Leadership Skills ( | Research: women score higher than men in most leadership skills | Havard Buisness Review | Women are perceived by their managers — particularly their male managers — to be slightly more effective than men at every hierarchical level and in virtually every functional area of the organization. | According to our data, men gain just 8.5 percentile points in confidence from age 25 to their 60+ years. Women, on the other hand, gain 29 percentile points. | Leadership |
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Are women better investors than men? | News | Warwick Business School ( | Are women better investors than men? | Warwick Buisness School | An analysis of 2,800 investors conducted by Neil Stewart, Professor of Behavioural Science, revealed that women tend to outperform men in investing by 1.8 percent | Women also take a more long-term perspective, trading less frequently. This possibly means womenare investing more to support their financial goals | Investing |
How Diverse Leadership Teams Boost Innovation ( | How Diverse Leadership Teams Boost Innovation | Boston Consulting Groupe | Companies with more diverse management teams have 19 percent points higher innovation revenues. | Diverse teams are more likely to introduce new products and services, contributing to a 45% increase in innovation-related revenue. | Leadership |
Delivering growth through diversity in the workplace | McKinsey | Delivering through Diversity | McKinsey | Companies in the top quartile for gender diversity on executive teams are 21% more likely to outperform on profitability and 27% more likely to create superior value through the merger and acquisition process. | Leadership | |
Female leadership and a competency-based portrait of a leader as perceived by female students | Atlantis Press ( | Female leadership and a competency-based portrait of a leader as perceived by female student | Atlantis Press | Women’s advantages in management competencies affect the overall leadership efficiency (Khayurullina and Khayrullina 2014 | Bataeva (2014) claims that women are more psychologically prone to constantly stand up for their right for leadership. Besides, moral support of subordinates is important for female managers | Leadership |
Earned Brand 2018 | Edelman | Brands Take a Stand | Edelman’s | Companies known for promoting gender diversity and inclusion at the leadership level tend to enjoy a more positive reputation and are viewed favorably by consumers, contributing to brand loyalty. | 64% of consumers identify as belief-driven buyers, choosing brands based on their social or political stances. | ? |
Women in America: Work and Life Well-Lived ( | Women in America: Work and Life Well-Lived | Gallup | Companies with a higher percentage of women in leadership roles experience lower turnover rates, as employees are more likely to be engaged and satisfied in a diverse and inclusive work environment. | Women bring distinctive viewpoints, ideas and insights to the workplace, and diverse perspectives lead to superior performance at the business unit level. | Leadership |
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Is Gender Diversity Profitable? Evidence from a Global Survey | PIIE | Is Gender Diversity Profitable? Evidence from a Global Survey | Peterson Institute for International Economics | A 10% increase in gender diversity is associated with a 1.1 percentage point increase in return on assets. | For profitable firms, a move from no female leaders to 30 percent representation is associated with a 15 percent increase in the net revenue margin | Leadership |
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DI_Diversity-and-inclusion-revolution.pdf ( | Waiter, is that inclusion in my soup? A new recipe to improve business performance | Deloitte | Inclsuive leaders promote and increase of 70% individual feelings of inclusion, in experience of: fairness, respect, value, and belonging. | Inclusive leaders also increase team performance by up to 17%, raising the dcesion-making quality by up to 20% | Leadership |
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The_Bottom_Line_Corporate_Performance_and _Womens_Representation_on_Boards.pdf ( |
The Bottom Line: Corporate Performance and Women’s Representation on Boards | Catalyst | Companies with more women on boards outperform their peers in terms of return on equity, return on sales, and return on invested capital | Companies with the highest percentages of women board directors outperformed those with the least by 66% | Board |